Miss Classified is a fun, contemporary school story that explores family, friends, and choices all through the lens of photography. Can Blythe figure out her world as clearly as a developing photo?
Published by Chicken Scratch Books, Miss Classified deals with thirteen-year-old Bly who is struggling with the transition from grade school to junior high. As a very bright girl, she's been able to compensate for her undiagnosed ADHD until now when more homework, lockers, changing classes, and everything else that comes with junior high has overwhelmed her and her grades show it. While trying to hide her grades from her parents, she is also attempting to join a photography contest, but her grades aren't high enough to enter. So, desperate, she decides to cheat, just long enough to bring her grades up. When she feels stuck in the cheating-go-round, it takes her friends' help to give her the strength she needs to break away and come clean to everyone.
Presentation for schools local to Utah County are free at this time, though I appreciate being able to have books pre-sold so I can sign them at the event.

“I liked the way she shared the writing process”

“I think Darth Vader was my favorite”

“All the props were perfect”

“she was wonderful”



Cooking up a Book
With both visuals and class participation, I talk about four parts of a story that make up the plot of a book and relate it to following a recipe. It takes about twenty minutes and can be made age appropriate for second through eighth grade. If time allows, we continue on by coming up with four specifics for character, setting, the character's want, and what is getting in the way of that want (the problem). Then each child can brainstorm ideas from these four to share and discuss. It is best if the grades are broken up into smaller groups when possible.

Building Fun Characters
This presentation helps students come up with ideas for characters in their stories. It includes discussing the difference between stereotypes and well-rounded characters. We play a game of looking at pictures of people and making choices about what kind of character they could be in a story. We also discuss the difference between  using it as a game to build the imagination and using it to judge someone improperly. This presentation is best for fourth through eighth grade in classroom size groups. It can be tailored from 20-40 minutes, depending on the needs of the teacher.

Other presentations

Each presentation I give includes talking about how I became a writer and author, as well as taking feedback and rewriting your work.

I can also have discussions with the students on themes in Miss Classified. These themes include neurodiversity, judging yourself and others, and having difficult conversations.

All my presentations are flexible enough to adjust to the needs of the teacher and students.